
Žena / 27 rokov / Vodnár

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PomenovaťAskaXomova (AsiyaXoma)
JazykyAngličtina, Ruština
Veľkosť zadkuVeľký
Farba vlasovČervenovláska
Očná farbaHnedé

O mne

Hi, my name is Anastasia and thank you for reading my profile! So we can get to know each other better))) I'm a pretty non-standard model) I'm married, have a lot of animals, and have atypical streams! Yes, although I have a couple of depraved and liberated actions in the menu type, but still most of the menu is filled with fun and interesting actions that I can perform! The menu type is constantly updated or changing, and I often stream from my phone and, of course, game streams. Therefore, I will be grateful to you for your support, subscription and communication in our chat)

Viac ...

An avid hookah smoker and po dov... I will bring you to the orgasmic tenderness of my facial expressions :3 There is a pit bull dog that can kill anyone with its tongue and saliva!!!! I'm not playing for the audience, I'm playing for myself! a small anime

Заядлый куритель кальяна и подов... Доведу тебя до оргзмического умиления моей мимики :3 Есть собака питбуль, может убить любого своим языком и слюнями!!!! не играю на публику, играю на себя! маленький аниме геймер с заразительным смехом и не маленькой

Mám rád

I am quite embarrassed by compliments, but I am very pleased to receive them) and of course, as for any other girl, I am pleased with generous men who do not believe that webcam is one masturbation and all the girls here are "easy behavior"

Viac ...

Я довольно сильно смущаюсь комплиментов, но мне очень приятно их получать) ну и конечно же как и для любой другой девушки, мне приятны щедрые мужчины, которые не считают, что вебкам это одна дрочка и все девушки тут "легкого поведения"

It's exciting when a person can listen and support a conversation. Pale skin, a hooked nose, humor in the subject and, of course, food

Возбуждает то, когда человек может слушать и поддержать разговор. Бледная кожа, нос с горбинкой, юмор в тему и конечно же еда

Я люблю внимание как девушек, так и мужчин! Больше всего возбуждаюсь, когда на меня смотрят множество людей и получают удовольствие от этого! Возбуждает то, когда человек может слушать и поддержать разговор. Бледная кожа, нос с горбинкой, юмор в тему и

Nepáči sa mi

I don't like people who come to laugh at my hobby... when they ask for something for free, because every work, whatever it is, should be encouraged! After all, I am the same person as you, for me it is not only a hobby and hobbies, but also a job! Let's respect your and my wishes and time❤️

Viac ...

I don't like degraded people who are obsessed only with jerking off and scammers, and also lazy amoebas...

I don't like people who only ask for a gift, boors, impudents and scammers!

I don't like degraded people who are obsessed only with jerking off and scammers, and also lazy amoebas...

I don't like people who come to laugh at my hobby... when they ask for something for free, because every work, whatever it is, should be encouraged! After all, I am the same person as you, for me it is not only a hobby and hobbies, but also a job! Let's

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